Friday 5 April 2013


Do you have suggestions for the list? Now's the time to put them forward. 

Since we're done with 1st real vacation, let's tick some items off the list...

What do we get to tick off?

Pushed my personal limits and got a mega rush of adrenaline:
  • Reverse bungee jumping  ü
  • Indoor sky diving  ü
  • Crazy theme park rides  ü
  • Spending the night in a foreign country with only enough money (cash or card) to get me to the airport  ü

What’s next on the list?

Face some of my phobias
  • Phobia 1: Water - I need to learn to swim. (Don't ask  me why I don't know how to swim because I'll blame my parents although reality might differ just a little.)
  • Phobia 2: Fat - I've piled on a little fat around my middle. I need to get my figure back. I must be back to my royal hotness by the time BF comes to visit. I may be coerced to show you a picture of the new 6-pack when I get it.

More Adrenaline fun
  •  Tandem bungee jumping
  •  More theme park rides

We'll tag the next adventure "Tackling Phobias (1)". Time to get started.

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